
My name is Jackson; I am a second-year student at Uvic majoring in Sociology and Minoring in EPHE. I was born and raised in Victoria, BC and hope to remain here for the rest of my life. After Uni, I aim to become a teacher and teach in the same school system I grew up in.

Sourced from class slides

Understanding Active Health Education: All my life, sports and physical activity have been important to me both in and out of school. I believe PHE is necessary in schools because it teaches the importance of physical health whilst introducing children to different ways to stay fit. Active health education can positively shape youths’ attitudes around wellness through fun, socially interactive PHE activities. This demonstrates to youth ways they can implement health and wellness into their own lives in a way that best suits them. Educators must be familiar with PHE concepts so that they can have a supportive learning environment Where children create good wellness habits and learn the importance of PHE.

Key Issues in Youth Physical Activity: From my perspective, growing up, PHE in school was mostly taught from a sports-centric approach. This worked for some students who already played and enjoyed sports outside of school, but for students who didn’t appeal to the competitive and physical aspect of sport, I could see it deterred them from actively participating in PHE class. Some teachers tend to lack awareness when it comes to students not participating; this allows the student to skip out on gym class and not build proper wellness and health habits. PHE class should move away from a sport-centric approach, and a more broad spectrum of methods for physical activity should be encouraged.

sourced from unsplash

The Role of Sedentary Behaviour in Youth Health: Sedentary behaviour poses many risks to youths’ mental and physical health. Youth who are overly sedentary are at a higher risk of developing mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and Physically are at higher risk of obesity. Educators can combat this issue by maintaining well-structured PHE classes that influence good habits for all students. Students should be influenced to go outside and be active during recess breaks, and teachers should provide additional movement breaks to ensure students stay active.

sourced from class slides

The Five-Step Model for Active Health: The 5 step model consists of 5 different actions: Agree, Build, Clarify, Define, Evaluate. I would apply this model by first making sure my students and coworkers are aware of the model and its meaning; this could allow for their insight to be valued whilst using the method. This method would allow me as a PHE educator to structure and adapt lessons to better suit the needs of my students and, in turn, nurture better health and wellness habits.

Developing Health Competencies in Students: Every student’s relationship with PHE is going to vary. Aiding them in developing health competencies that best suit their needs is crucial. Establishing proper health competencies will allow students to better understand their health, allowing them to maintain better mental and physical well-being. As a future educator, my health competencies will ensure I can be the best version of myself whilst teaching and they can be used as knowledge I can pass on to students.